The Deaf Penalty



  1. So I have a hearing loss too and use technology to help me hear. But the general misconception is that the hearing I hear even with the technology should be ‘normal hearing’ – however, the sounds often come in distorted. Amplified technology is great, and digital technology so much more improved than the analogue contraptions of yesteryear, but it isn’t the same as normal hearing. It just isn’t. Do people really understand this? I seriously doubt it… And it is absolutely mentally exhausting. 🙂

    Wonderful post! ❤

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    1. Thank you so much! And you are speaking my language here. I have tried to explain this to people over the years and they just don’t get it. But then these are people who have never had to wear a hearing aid, and have never struggled to hear everything. These devices are terrific, just as you say, but they’re not miracle boxes. They allow us to hear, but that is all. It’s still a tsunami of sound that must be waded through, and must be sifted for any chance of coherence. It isn’t easy by any means.

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      1. I totally understand. I try to explain to people that it’s not just the hearing either, it’s the mental exhaustion especially at the end of the day. Having to be ‘on’ and focusing constantly is extremely tiring.

        Glad to be able to share this with you. 😘

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