Card Sharks


  1. Still LMAO! 😀 Def a cool way to play cards! There’s just one thing I don’t get about that game – do you need a fishing license to play? I def wanna try that game! 😀


  2. i know how feef feels not knowing the rules of go fish,i played casino royale with my best friend back in the90,s we had read the rules and played at the same time after playing for a while we both knew the rules of the game so it all worked out in the end and the 10 of diamonds was the winning hand .those were the days,i wonder if my bff still rembers the rules.


    1. If you’re referring to me, me old mucker, then I have to say I don’t recall us ever attempting Casino Royale. The only thing I’ve ever played with that name is the recent card game centred James Bond reboot on DVD. What a fabulous film that was! 😛


      1. i remember playing casino an easier version of casino royale my bff does,nt remember because i was wearing dark sun glasses and looked like jbj.


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