Alternative Energy


  1. Dear Tony,

    I do love all the small jokes you manage to pack into a single strip… the name on the moving van, the box unpacked upside down. I get the sword, but the shepherd’s crook escapes me. Why is the unicorn’s horn on its snout? I must know.

    Once again, I love your palette.

    All My Love,


    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I love putting all those little things in there for those who may notice! As for the shepherd’s crook, that would be a tougher reference for even the most die hard The Legend of Zelda fan to get. It’s the Cane of Somaria from A Link to the Past. But yeah, actually, it really does just look like a shepherd’s crook, doesn’t it? 😉

      Liked by 1 person

        1. That was an awesome movie! It’s a treasure trove of references like that, but better still, you don’t even have to get half of them to still be able to enjoy it. 😀


          1. Oh, and if you ever check out The Legend of Zelda I would definitely begin with Ocarina of Time. It’s not my favourite of the series although it’s certainly up there and is absolutely the best place to start! 🙂


    1. That there would be the Master Sword of The Legend of Zelda fame. I couldn’t resist throwing in a little homage to my favourite game series of all time! Well spotted, S.J.! 😉


  2. nice strip Tony,i can,t belive Ernest and Zelda moved home just because of a spider!!.cool mirror ball.never saw a unicorn that move your assets in the yellow pages or online?.keep the strips and pcs coming Tony.)


    1. Move Your Assets would definitely be in both if it were an actual thing. Who knows? Maybe somewhere it is an actual thing! And the unicorn may be a lil’ un, but it’s more than enough to power that lighthouse! 😛


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