A Compilation


  1. This was amazing! The fact that you could pack so much into the gift of a mix-tape/mix-CD was incredible. And at the end, I was a little horrified, stunned, and strangely heartbroken all at once – And I say “strangely” here because I didn’t ever think “mix-tape” and “heartbreaking” would ever occur to me in the same [emotional range of a] sentence.

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    1. I know how you feel. I was completely blown away by Mark’s script when I first read it. I knew from the outset that I simply HAD to draw it and bring it to life even more! Thank you for reading. I appreciate your support! šŸ˜€

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  2. A vivid and moving story, sad to see how the father’s envy got in the way of enjoying the gift. It reminds me of the Buddhist teaching that by simply praising and enjoying another’s virtue allows you to share in their merits. You and Tati are a fine pair of artists!

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