Hear Me Rattle on About Whatever

Self promotion has a way of making me feel like a gormless clap monkey but it’s a necessary evil when one desires an audience for one’s creative efforts. So, here I am with my janky little cymbals again, trying to drum up some interest in my latest thing.

So, yeah, I’ve been producing a podcast series for a wee while now – not that you’d know it. It’s flown under the radar because the Crumble Cult strip has always hogged the spotlight. (What a bleedin’ diva!)

I do think it’s time my silly little recordings got some attention though. So, why not mosey on over to the Crumbcast page and see (or rather, hear) what the fuss is about? Well, okay, there’s no fuss over said blah fests yet but wouldn’t it be rad if there was? Perhaps you could help to make that happen. (Nudge, nudge. Unsubtle hint. Ahem.)

Meanwhile, I’ll just stand over here and keep banging on about it. Like a monkey. (Sorry.)


    1. You should, Jodine. I’d listen! As for how you do it, I have a voice recording app on my smartphone. I transfer the file to my PC and edit it in a free sound editing program called Audacity, then upload it to my site. Easy peasy! 😀

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  1. Great balls of gorm (with a side of ocker)!

    Up to now, the few podcasts I follow are brain-based or educational on some level (if you consider learning about ayahuasca experiences with curanderos and the miracles of medical marijuana educational). I’ll give yours a listen. If it’s as much of a vacation as your blog, I’ll add you to my mix.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

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