Talking Without Hearing

I’m pretty sure Simon and Garfunkel didn’t have deaf people in mind when they recorded The Sound of Silence in 1964. And I’m pretty sure I didn’t have them in mind when I recorded this installment of the Crumbcast. In it I ramble on about my poorly ear, sound’s cheating ways, and racist weather conditions. Intrigued? Hell, I wouldn’t be. Sounds like the ravings of a madman!

Anyway, this nonsense is all based on the Crumble Cult strip “Fun With Hearing Aids“, so you can blame it on the dude who came up with that. Oh, it was me. Well, damn. Still, it’s not all bad. At least you lucky things get to hear my writing partner Tetiana’s voice at the beginning. She’s trying to teach me some Ukrainian but I’m failing miserably. Double buggery damn. (And I wanted to look so cool in her eyes too!)



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