He Said, She Said…

Guess what? I’ve gone and done the unthinkable, and re-recorded episode twenty-five of The CrumbcastJoining me for this reboot is my wife Cassy whose talky talky abilities far exceed my own. Seriously, she knows how to keep a conversation going when all I tend to do is waffle on like a prat. She’s got the gift of the gab, you could say. And, actually, Tati and I have often discussed the possibility of making Cassy our agent…

“So, why redo this instalment of the podcast?” you may or may not be asking. Truth be told, I was deeply unsatisfied with my previous effort, and felt it would be better to have someone to conversate with. My recording experiences with Peter have given me a taste for this, and so I’ve decided to continue in this vein. And anyway, does anyone in their right mind really want another long, tedious, rambly monologue by me? Of course not!

So, what do we talk about this time? Well, what don’t we talk about! Let’s see… The Crumble Cult strip Subversive Element‘. Blue hair. Tattoos. Sluts. How to make a sister write your comic for you. Hell, social mores and more! Y’all are gonna have a great time with this one, and mostly because my better third is so utterly intelligent and engaging!

Oh, and please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. And maybe even leave a question you’d like us to answer in the next Crumbcast. We can’t promise that we’ll be able to address everything, but we’d love to try! So, go ahead. Ask!



    I know I’m bad about commenting as I work full time but I so appreciate your writing and your mind. I want you to know how much your friendship and support has meant to me and how highly I hold you.
    You are a wonderful human being and I adore you.
    I may be off social media for some time or forever but I’m not gone
    Thank you for being you and please know I will always be reading.
    You have my email also and I’m always here for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you are taking good care of yourself during these strange times, Candy. It’s certainly been a challenge for many of us. I hope you won’t be gone for good as we could all do with your voice being in the mix right now. 😊🙏


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